Future politics , AI and “non human intelligence”
Two of the most talked-about topics these days are #AI and #americanpolitics and their influence on our daily life.
Surprisingly enough, both of these topics find their way into a novel written by Jerzy Filar.
In this novel, amidst a balancing act between #mathematical concepts, #climatecrisis, and #evangelicalfundamentalism, we are presented with a projection of a future where, even though #AI has become an accepted part of our daily lives, there is an even more powerful computational tool: the #human #brain, or what the author refers to as #NonArtificialIntelligence.
What I find particularly relevant about the book in #2024 are several points:
1. The importance of evangelists among the American electorate and the non-scientific arguments used in American elections and public discourse, to better understand the the underlying context .
2. The amazing capabilities that lay ahead in using and cohabitating with a type of intelligence that transcends the one we are currently accustomed to — the intelligence of the human body.
3. The incredible possibilities we have in better understanding the #human #brain.
As a disclaimer, it is worth noting that the author is an Emeritus Professor in Applied Mathematics, which explains the use of mathematical concepts and arguments in the book, in a very low threshold approach. It is a great read for anyone interested in #climate, #humandecisions, and the #aifuture.